Fred Rogers grew up in Pittsburgh. PA. His well-known and long running television show for children known as Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood was a staple for kids like me growing up in America. Mr. Rogers was such an inspiration that both a documentary and a new movie have been made to honor his work and life’s lessons.

It occurred to me that Mr. Rogers was teaching us all about mentoring and how to be a good mentor. He had a favorite quote that reads:

When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’   -Mr. Rogers

Fred Rogers suggested life lessons that we can all learn from him. These messages are what I ask mentors to stress throughout their entire relationship with their mentee. They include an obligation to help one another; accept your feelings and learn to deal with them in a healthy way; understand that everyone is fighting a tough battle, so be kind to all;  love always wins; we are here to help others feel good about their own existence; don’t obsess over being perfect – it doesn’t exist; take the plunge of self-discovery; cherish the little things in life; value yourself; never give up; keep things in perspective.

Bill Coors found someone to help him go through life in Mr. Hatch. Hatch was a caring and consistent person when Bill needed it the most. He taught him tough love. Many of us can recall the helpers in our own lives. Everyone, adults and children should seek out mentors to guide their path to a successful future.

Dr. Susan G. Wienberger