A 19-year-old gunman opened fire inside a synagogue near San Diego yesterday as worshippers celebrated the last day of a major Jewish holiday. One woman was killed and three were wounded. The attack occurred exactly six months to the day since 11 people were killed at a Pittsburgh synagogue.

I still remember where I was when the news flashed on the television that a shooting took place at Columbine High School that killed 13 people and wounded 24 others just 20 years ago this month.

What struck me the most is that the gunmen in each of these incidences were young. They were 18 and 19 years old. How could we have prevented such hateful tragedies? Where are the carefree days of youth enjoying their leisure time with friends outdoors, playing ball, eating pizza and riding bicycles?

It seems that the youth involved in these murders were harboring hatred for the world. Whom did they talk to about their unhappiness when they were very young? Did they have friends? Were they bullied? Did they feel isolated? Did anyone reach out to them and offer help, support, advocacy and took the time to listen to them? Would their lives and others be different today if they, like Bill Coors had teacher, Mr. Hatch to enter their lives and instill confidence? Maybe a mentor may have helped them to prevent such horrific crimes.

Dr. Susan G. Wienberger